4 Simple Steps to Add YouTube Videos to Your Website
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4 Simple Steps to Add YouTube Videos to Your Website

Wondering how to add YouTube videos to your website? Embedding YouTube videos to your website can help increase brand recognition, user engagement, and SEO. It also helps you increase your YouTube audience.

People like videos more than text-based content. Most marketers are already using videos in their campaigns.

There are various ways to add YouTube videos to your website. In this step-by-step guide, I’ll walk you through the simple steps to add YouTube videos to your website.

Why Add YouTube Videos to Your Website

Including videos at strategic places on your website can greatly improve search ranking and keep people on your site.

96% of marketers say video marketing has helped users understand their product. 87% of them also say video marketing has helped them increase sales:

87% of marketers say video marketing has helped them increase sales

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Learning how to add YouTube videos to your website can help you make the most of your videos. Here are some advantages:

Improve User Engagement 

People retain more information when viewing videos than when reading text-based content. Embedding YouTube videos to your website can help improve user engagement. 

49% of marketers say videos help with audience engagement. This means your time on site metric can improve. Viewers who like the video may even share it, getting you more views.

Videos Can Help to Showcase Your Products and Services

YouTube videos are a great for showcasing your products and services. You can use a video creation tool to create a YouTube video about your product. Explain how your product works and how your customers can get the most out of it. This is especially a great idea if you sell complex products or services.

Increase Website Traffic

Generating traffic and leads is still a top challenge for many businesses. And with so many businesses competing for the same customers, it can be challenging to stay on top.

Videos can help you demonstrate your unique qualities and drive more traffic to your website. According to Wyzowl, 91% of marketers say video has helped increase traffic.

91% of marketers say video has helped increase traffic

Increase Website Dwell Time

Embedding interesting YouTube videos is a great way to boost your website’s dwell time. When users spend more time on your site, they can learn more about your products. Creating branded videos on your product helps boost conversions.

You can track your dwell time using a tool like Google Analytics to see if your videos have the desired impact.

Improve Brand Connection

People buy from brands they trust. The biggest challenge with text-based content is that it doesn’t create a personal connection with your audience.

When you add YouTube videos to your website, you can connect with your audience. This can help to personalize and humanize your business.

Improve SEO

Another major benefit of embedding YouTube videos to your website is SEO. It helps rank your website higher both on Google and YouTube. 

If you optimize your embedded videos to rank on YouTube, you can increase rankings in Google for your keywords. You can then track your keyword rankings using an SEO reporting tool. 

Improve Brand Awareness and Recognition

Creating brand awareness is yet another challenge most businesses grapple with. Including YouTube videos on your website can help. They can boost your brand recognition and awareness.

According to a Wave.video report, 72% of small business owners say that they use videos to increase brand awareness:

marketers use videos for various purposes

Tips For Adding Videos to Your Website

No doubt, videos can greatly benefit your business. But it’s important to understand the best practices for adding them to your website.

If you don’t add them to your website correctly, they might slow down your website. This can hurt your search rankings, decrease your website traffic, and hurt your conversion rates.

Follow these tips when embedding YouTube videos to your website.

Be Careful With the File Size

To add YouTube videos to your website, you can either link to the video or embed videos using HTML code (also called embed code).

With the first option, users who click on the video are taken to YouTube to view the content.

Embedding YouTube videos on your website allow users to watch the content on your site without leaving.

While embedding a video is the recommended method, make sure you lazy load them. Else, they could potentially slow down your website and lead to poor user experience.

Mind The Length of the Video

Short and interesting YouTube videos are better than long ones. Remember that people have shorter attention spans. They won’t stick around to watch a long embedded video of several minutes.

If the video you want to add to your website is long, consider editing it. You can use an online YouTube video editor to trim your videos. 

How to Add YouTube Videos to Your Website in 4 Simple Steps

Here is a step-by-step process on how to embed YouTube videos to your WordPress website:

1. Add YouTube Videos To Website Using the Classic Way

The simplest method of adding a YouTube video to your site is with its URL. You can copy the video’s URL and paste it into your website or blog.

i. Locate the YouTube video and copy the URL

Head over to the YouTube video you want to add to your website. Then, copy the URL by clicking the “Share” button:

adding YouTube videos to website using the share button

This will open a box with the video URL:

copying the YouTube video url

Copy the YouTube video’s URL. Or just copy the URL from the address bar:

copying the Youtube video url from the address bar

ii. Paste the URL

Go to your WordPress site or blog and locate where you want to add the video, then paste the URL.

pasting the Youtube video url in WordPress site

Once you paste the link, WordPress will automatically display the video. When you publish the post with the video, it will show up on your website like this:

Youtube video now showing on wordpress site

2. Add YouTube Videos Using the YouTube Block 

The second method to insert YouTube videos is through the YouTube Block.

Copy the YouTube video URL as shown in step 1 above.

i. Go to the WordPress editor and click the “+” at the top of the WordPress editor.

Wordpress frequently used blocks

You will see frequently used blocks in the WordPress block editor. Click “Browse all” to display the entire list of blocks.

ii. Click on the YouTube block

Youtube block for sharing Youtube videos in wordpress

This will open a box:

adding Youtube video url to wordpress youtube block

iii. Paste the video URL inside the box

Paste the URL of the YouTube video you have copied inside the box and click the “Embed” button.

WordPress will display your YouTube video in its editor like this:

WordPress editor display of YouTube video

3. Add YouTube Videos to Your Website Using the Video Block

The third method to insert YouTube videos into your website is using the video block.

Copy the YouTube URL as you have done above from YouTube. Then, click the “+” button and “Browse all” to display a list of all blocks included in the WordPress block editor.

i. Click on the video block icon

wordpress video block icon for adding videos

ii. Paste the video URL

When you click on the video block, you will see 3 options:

insert from url option to add Youtube video
  • Upload: Upload a video from your computer.
  • Media Library: Add a video that’s already in your WordPress media library.
  • Insert from URL: Click this option and paste the video URL you copied.

WordPress will automatically turn the video block into a YouTube block. 

4. Add YouTube Videos to Your Website Using the HTML Editor

Lastly, you can insert YouTube videos into your WordPress website using the basic method, the video’s embed code.

Follow the steps below:

i. Copy the embed code

Go back to step #1 above on the YouTube video page. Click share then the “Embed” button:

copying the Youtube video embed code

ii. Copy the embed video code

embed code of Youtube video

Click the copy button below the box with the video embed code.

iii. Add a Code block to your WordPress page

Go to the page or post on your site where you want to display the YouTube video. Find the place where you want to add your video. Then, click the “+” button, find and select “Custom HTML”.

custom html block in wordpress editor

Paste the embedded code you copied. When you save the post and publish it, your YouTube video will appear at the spot where you copied the embed code.

Final Thoughts on How to Add YouTube Videos to Your Website

If you’re still not using videos on your website, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. Videos can improve user engagement, brand awareness, and recognition.

The good news is that you can easily add YouTube videos to your website. Without any technical skills. All you have to do is follow the steps outlined above.

Author Bio:

Gaurav Sharma

Gaurav Sharma is the founder and CEO of Attrock, a results-driven digital marketing company. Grew an agency from 5-figure to 7-figure revenue in just two years, 10X leads, 2.8X conversions, and 300K organic monthly traffic. He also contributes to top publications like HuffPost, Adweek, Business2Community, and TechCrunch.

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